Information On Our Institution

CityU is an English speaking College established in 2013, offering a variety of Diploma, Bachelor and Master level degree programmes, such as: Bachelor in International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Retail & Merchandising Management, Hospitality & Tourism Animation and Business Administration. In order to enhance the diversity, of its students and faculty, and as a means to promote high academic standards, CityU cooperates with Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU) under franchise agreement and offers a wide variety of programmes such as: 3-years’ Bachelor degrees in Accounting & Finance, Business and Management Studies, Psychology and Computing, and Master degrees in Business Administration, International Hospitality & Tourism Management, LL.M. and Health Psychology. Through this cooperation, CityU’s programmes are not only accredited by our local Ministry of Education, but also through the QA of the UK.

CityU’s mission is to provide modern academic programs that are results-oriented and that focus on the students’ needs, so that every graduate may aspire to become a competent and qualified professional, in today’s rapidly changing environment. Our main directions of studies are International Hospitality & Tourism Management and Business Administration.  Our aim is to establish strong international cooperation in all these fields of studies.

CityU recruits students from over 10 countries and hires academic and administrative staff from over five countries. The majority of CityU’s students come from countries outside Cyprus. As an international College, CityU offers educational opportunities for students from all around Europe and brings them together with students from other parts of the world. Dual accreditation and flexible degree structure provides an opportunity for students with highly diverse educational backgrounds to participate in undergraduate and graduate education that answers to the best academic standards.

Development of double and joint degree programs is an important part of our International activities. Our priority is to develop a joint/double degree Bachelor program in International Hospitality & Tourism Management and / or Business Administration within a partnership, which includes partners from EU countries.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is based on the following core values and principles:

Our Vision & Mission

CityU’s mission is to provide modern academic programs that are results-oriented and that focus on the student’s needs, so that every graduate may aspire to become a competent and qualified professional, in today’s rapidly changing environment.

CityU was the first College to focus -besides the needs of young students- on the needs of working adults. We understand students’ wishes, more options, and fewer hassles. That’s why we offer flexible, self-directed programs that fit the students’ life and how they want to learn. All of our students experience an urge; the desire for something more. Continuing education means different things to different people, and we’re open to your point of view.

Programmes of Study

Our programs are designed with one goal in mind: to get you everything you need to pursue the career you want and succeed.

As we move forward with bold plans of Global Expansion and more exciting programmes, and by making accessible education a reality for anyone with the desire to succeed, our aim is to offer every student the opportunity to have a unique experience and unforgettable student years.

As mentioned above, CityU focuses first and foremost, on students and their educational and personal well-being. CityU takes into consideration the students’ education and students can contribute to the design of learning experiences through their constructive feedback and criticism. In this way, we are able to facilitate interactions among learners to promote and sustain sufficient learning.

CityU offers among others, degree programmes in the areas of International Hospitality & Tourism Management, Business Administration, Retail & Merchandising Management, Hospitality & Tourism Animation.

In addition, CityU in collaboration with the Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU) offers under franchise agreement a large variety of programmes such as: 3-years’ Bachelor degrees in Accounting & Finance, Computing, Business & Management Studies and Psychology.

Furthermore, 1-year Master degrees in Business Administration, International Hospitality & Tourism Management, International Business Law, Health Psychology and other are offered.

All courses are conducted by carefully selected high-level teaching staff who can guarantee a valuable learning experience. They are carefully designed to equip the students with the proper educational & technical background but also the ones offered under franchise agreements aim in building students with the personality required to stand out in a very competitive work environment. Additionally, they are designed to correspond to academic programmes of other Universities giving the students the opportunity to easily transfer to other academic Institutions in various countries such as the U.K., France, Greece, Australia, U.S.A., etc, without losing credits.

CityU is committed in building an inclusive community, and in providing resources and support to help the students learn, develop and grow in their pursuits beyond of the classroom.

The CityU also offers a variety of services and support to students seeking to increase their level of involvement within the institution. CityU concentrates in applying the necessary policies, procedures and educational programmes of high standard, providing the best it can be achieved to the benefit of its students.