Recognition Procedure
The recognition of credit mobility within the framework of inter-institutional agreements is vital. All credits gained during the period of study abroad or during the mobility – as agreed in the Learning Agreement and confirmed by the Transcript of Records – should be transferred without delay (within five weeks after the completion of the mobility activity) and counted towards a student’s degree without any additional work by or assessment of the student. All incoming students will receive transcripts of records specifying the learning activities before returning to their home institution. These activities are included in the learning agreement. The Institution will register the incoming student in the planned educational components, verifying that these components are available for the foreseen mobility period. The Institution will monitor the student progress and grant recognition of the ECTS credits for the successful completion learning outcomes. For the purpose of recognition of qualifications, the programme learning outcomes is a key factor, so are the number of ECTS units.
The following supporting documents help facilitate credit recognition for the purpose of mobility:
- Learning Agreement – covers the programme of study to be taken and the ECTS credits to be awarded for their satisfactory completion, committing both home and host institution, as well as the student
- Transcript of Records – shows students’ learning achievements in a way which is comprehensive, commonly understood and easily transferable from one institution to another
- Proof of Recognition – shows students that the study abroad period has been recognised in the home institution.
These documents provide information on the learning outcomes achieved, based on which qualification awarding institution can make decisions on credit recognition and transfer.
Learning Agreements
The Learning agreements are processed by the Erasmus Office in collaboration with the Programs’ Coordinators Upon receipt of any request, both for outgoing as well as for incoming students, the Erasmus Coordinator liaises with the Programs’ Coordinators to ensure the best possible match of courses to be taken at the host institution and at our institution, respectively. At the same time any language needs and support are addressed and arranged and mutually agreed by the two institutions with the consent of the students involved.
After Student Mobility
After student mobility the transcripts of records, traineeship certificates and all related documentation are processed by the Erasmus Office Coordinator in cooperation with our Registrar and the Programs’ Coordinators to ensure that all courses and training successfully completed are credited to the students’ records. After having completed their Erasmus study period abroad, the students must submit to the Erasmus Office all the necessary documents: The Transcript of Records, the Learning Agreement, the Supervisor’s Report and the Recognition Agreement (where all parts agree on the subjects to be recognized after a successful Erasmus study period abroad) form the basis of the proof recognition letter. All academic activities indicated in the learning agreement and satisfactorily completed by the mobile students are counted towards their degree and as a result students are exempted from equivalent study requirements in order to graduate. Incoming students at the end of their Erasmus period receive the official Transcript of Records issued by the host Department as well as a Confirmation of Studied Courses Grades in English issued by the Erasmus office and the Registrar, endorsed by the Academic Coordinator, which can serve as a semi-official Transcript of Records with the grades and ECTS credits obtained.
Staff Mobility
Also for staff mobility, the Erasmus Office of our Institution supports administratively every action concerning the Staff Mobility by providing the necessary information about the possible teaching or training activities. CityU promotes and recognizes the participation of its staff in European and International cooperation projects by enhancing international cooperation with esteemed institutions and by supporting educational and formative exchanges ensuring that its cooperation leads to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all partners. Towards this aim, members of teaching staff are encouraged to participate in mobility in international meetings, conferences, international weeks and think tanks, so as to elaborate at any given moment the different options entailed in social dynamics combined with the concept of European integration. Erasmus mobility is acknowledged for the career advancement of all Lecturers and Administrative staff members. Our College gives recognition to its staff for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility bilateral agreement. As for the training mobility, we support, promote and recognize it by granting full pay leave of absence to mobile staff.